Coming in June 2014!-Expressive Art Therapy Group for Teens

Collaborative art project-Mandala

Collaborative art project-Mandala

The “GREAT” Teens group!

GRowing with Expressive Arts Together

Please join us as we begin a journey of self-exploration and discovery with other like minded teens using the arts as our medium.  We will use many different types of art methods and tools including painting, collage, creative writing and music.  This will be a small group setting where you can feel safe sharing your thoughts and feelings and have fun meeting new teens like you!
Confidentiality by all members will be expected. No prior art experience is at all necessary and all levels of creative ability are welcome.

WHO CAN ATTEND? -This group is for teen boys and girls age 13 and above.

DATES:  The group will take place on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month starting June 8TH

TIME: 1:30 to about 3:00pm

PLACE: 7602 Pacific Street

COST: $25 for an intake session if you are not already a client of Betsy Funk Therapy.
    $40 per session. Cost includes all materials.

HOW DO I SIGN UP? - Spaces are limited. Please sign up
by contacting Betsy Funk at 402-250-7995 or email
at  For more details about this group
or any other services offered please see my website at   


The "GREAT" Kids group! -March 2014

This month's theme centered around the concept of a "Support Net". After a discussion about the concept of a support net and what this means to different members of the group, the parents and children first made a list of all the things in their life that support them in some way. These things could include family members, hobbies, organizations, places, etc.  After their list was created they chose strips of fabric, ribbon, or strings that symbolized or represented each of those support systems.  Each caregiver/child pair then created a weaving using the fabric strips to create a visual art piece of their "support net".  The weavings were then transferred to a canvas and further embellished.  The results were dramatically different, unique, and beautiful. Sample art pieces from the group are shared below.

"Support Net" piece created by a grandmother/child pair in the group.

"Support Net" piece created by a grandmother/child pair in the group.

"Support Net" art piece completed by a mother/son pair in the group.

"Support Net" art piece completed by a mother/son pair in the group.

The "GREAT" Kids Group! -February 2014

 "Worry Dolls" -Our most recent group centered around the theme of "worry and fears". The parents and children discussed the concept of worries and how sometimes things that concern us can intrude and bother us at times when we need to be focused on other things such as school, work, or during sleep time.  They then wrote some of their biggest worries on strips of paper and glued them to a large craft stick. Then a "worry doll" was constructed around the worry. The children were introduced to the idea that the doll can contain or "hold" this worry for them with the idea that they don't have to carry it around with them all day. These are some photos of some dolls created by parent/child pairs.  Some of the participants gave permission for their photos to be posted on my blog and they were all very proud of their work!

Dolls created by a mother/daughter pair

Dolls created by a mother/daughter pair

Dolls created by a father/daughter pair 

Dolls created by a father/daughter pair


Worry doll created by a caregiver

Worry doll created by a caregiver

Worry doll created by a child in the group. This doll was described by the child as a "tiger which was fierce and could scare bad worries away." It also contains bells which also keep bad worries away from the doll and child.

Worry doll created by a child in the group. This doll was described by the child as a "tiger which was fierce and could scare bad worries away." It also contains bells which also keep bad worries away from the doll and child.

The "GREAT" Kids Group!- January 2014

The theme for the first group session was "Planting Seeds".  The families discussed what skills and information they hoped to gain by participating in the group and how they wanted to grow together both as a group and as individuals.  The parent/child pairs then embellished and decorated a large plant pot together and then planted sunflower seeds together in their pot as a symbol of the beginning of this new journey in Expressive Arts.

"Planting Seeds" theme pot created by a mother/son team. Title: "The Imagination Planter".

"Planting Seeds" theme pot created by a mother/son team. Title: "The Imagination Planter".

The second session was themed "Nurturing" and asked the question, what do we each need to feel nurtured so that we can fully grow not only physically but emotionally?  The families participated in a guided meditation intended to practice the skills of mindfulness to help cope with stress and provide relaxation.  The meditation guided them through the concept of being nurtured and growing with all of the things they love and need to feel nourished and then sprouting into fullness. Following the mediation the group created artistic images in response to the guided meditation.

All participants gave permission to have their images displayed on this website.

All participants gave permission to have their images displayed on this website.

The “GREAT” Kids Group!

GRowing with Expressive Arts Together"


The “GREAT” kids group is coping skills group which will teach young children and their caregivers New ways to use the arts to heal and cope with life’s stresses. The group participants will use intermodal techniques such as visual art, music, writing, and movement to explore and express their inner thoughts and feelings to share with other kids and their caregiver. No prior experience in the arts is necessary and the techniques can be done at each child's own level and pace.



$25 intake and registration fee for initial one on one consultation.

$30 per session - includes all materials

$10 materials fee per caregiver accompanying a registered child for designated combined groups


Ages:      boys and girls ages 6 - 12

Dates:     2nd and 3rd Sundays of the month

Times:     4:00 to 5:00pm

Place:     7602 Pacific St Suite 304


Betsy Funk LCSW to register or for more information at 402.250.7995 or